Utility Room
Cupboard doors
You might not think that cupboard doors would be the dirtiest of places, but those handles and edges can be a secret breeding ground for bacteria and viruses - especially if these areas have come into contact with dirty hands.

Floor surfaces see some of the highest amounts of daily foot traffic, especially in busy households. Dirty shoes or pets who have been outdoors can spread bacteria and viruses, so it's vital that floors are disinfected.

Washing machine
We've all noticed that familiar stale washing machine smell from time to time, but did you know it can be caused by a buildup of bacteria inside the drum? Using Zoflora can keep your washing machine disinfected and fresh, inside and out.

Pet baskets
We all love our furry friends, but their carry baskets and beds can be the source of some unpleasant household odours. Get rid of bad odours and germs by using Zoflora regularly.

It's easy to overlook the importance of keeping utility room surfaces clean. While they may look clean, they could be harbouring harmful bacteria and viruses. Simply wiping down surfaces with Zoflora will disinfect them.

Litter trays
Litter trays make the perfect breeding ground for bacteria and viruses, especially if they are not hygienically cleaned on a regular basis. Using Zoflora to disinfect litter trays will not only remove harmful germs, but eliminate nasty odours too!

Cloths and sponges
Bacteria LOVE dishcloths and sponges, more than you might think. The items you use for cleaning are actually perfect breeding grounds themselves for nasty bugs, and if you don't disinfect them regularly, you can spread these germs around the kitchen.